Forest Fire Alerts System 3.0

Registration Updated Successfully!!

Fire Alert Dissemination Status for MODIS

Last Satellite Pass
Last Mail Recevied from NRSC
Last Mail Sent from FSI
Last SMS Sent

Fire Alert Dissemination Status for SNPP - VIIRS

Last Satellite Pass
Last Mail Recevied from NRSC
Last Mail Sent from FSI
Last SMS Sent

Fire Alert Dissemination Log

Total SMS Alert Sent *
25265 | 185975
Total Registration
Total SMS Sent only showing Count of SMS Sent till date. Actual No. of SMS will increase depending on No. of Characters per SMS.

Forest fire is one of the major cause of degradation of forests in our country. Precious forest resources and carbon is lost which has an impact on the flow of goods and services from the forest areas. FSI, has been alerting State Forest Departments and other registered uses of forest fire locations detected by the MODIS sensor onboard Aqua and Terra Satellites of NASA since 2004.

From 2017, FSI has also started disseminating alerts obtained from SNPP-VIIRS sensor, which has a better resolution (375 m X 375 m) compared to MODIS (1 km X 1 km). Alerts are disseminated upto Beat level in the case of 10 states namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Mizoram, Punjab, Telangana & Tripura and upto Range Level for Kerala. In case of other States/UT’s, alerts are sent upto District level in the absence of Administrative boundary information from State Forest Departments.

Registered users receive SMS and Email alerts having geo-coordinates of the fire location as well as a weblink to view it on their browser. In addition, every alert is accompanied by a feedback form, which can be filled by the user online. Registered users can now modify their profile, area option as well as delete their profile, as may be needed.

Kindly provide your suggestion to

For any enquiries - 0135-2754191 Ex-272

For more information, refer to our 'Frequently Asked Questions'

Disclaimer: Forest Fire alerts generated by Forest Survey of India are based on Near Real Time fire point data processed by National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad. The frequency of the alerts are dependent on satellite passes which are currently 6 times in a day (24 hours). The accuracy of the forest fire alerts are based on information of the boundary information provided by State Forest Departments. Users are encouraged to use the FAST3.0 data in conjunction with other sources of forest fire detection and not solely rely on satellite based fire alerts for tactical firefighting. For more information, please read our FAQs section.